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French Tarot / Tarot Nouveau / Animal Tarock / Tiroler Tarock (78 Card decks)
Piatnik Classic Tarock Cards (54 Card decks)
Piatnik Edition Tarock Cards (54 Card decks) 63x113mm
54 cards, 63x113mm Tarock mit Wiener Typen 19.99
Luxury playing card box for 54 card decks above except Kaffeehaus & Damen.
Wooden box with glass inlay.
Cards not included.
Regional Playing Cards
Naipes Cups, Coins, Clubs, Swords 40 Cards
Charta Bellica Renaissance Playing Cards 52 Cards, 2 Jokers, Rules
Jass 36 Cards
Piquet 36 Cards
Marias Jednohlavy 32 Cards
Club Skat Economy 33 Cards
Schafkopf Tarock 36 Cards (Bayerisches)
Doppelkopf 48 Cards + 2 Joker (Franzosisches)
Skat 32 Cards Large Suits (Franzosisches)
Magyar Kartya 32 Cards (Plastic)
Magyar Kartya 32 Cards
Magyar Kartya 32 Cards
32 cards, 63x113mm Kavehaz Kartja $19.99
40 cards 51x91mm
40 cards 54x100mm
40 cards 52x84mm
Marias Dvojhlavy 33 Cards
Riesenjasskarten 36 Cards in plastic case 86x153mm (xlarge)
Doppeldeutsche 33 Cards
36 cards in plastic case 82x130mm (xlarge) Riesenspielkarten
Kriegsfursorgekarten 32 Cards
Tiroler Spielkarten 36 Cards |
Deutsche Karten aus RuSland 36 Cards |
Wilhelm Tell Wilmos 32 Cards |
Out of Stock |
Piatnik Edition Tarock Gift Sets
(boxes are approximately 23x16x3cm in size)
Tiroler 54 Cards
Flotner'sche Kartenspiel 47 Cards
Der Machtigen 35 Cards
Persischen Lackmalereien 8 Cards
Von Lebensgluck und Narretey 2x36 Cards
Trappola 36 Cards
Jvgundstiltarock 54 Cards
Arnold Schoenberg 52 Cards
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Card Store
Special note: many of the card images used on, and card display images used in the store are courtesy of Ferd. Piatnik & Sohne, copyright PIATNIK, Austria.
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